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Service Guide

Statistics DB

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Statistics DB menu makes time series data more convenient.
It consists of 「Reporting Statistics」 and 「Survey Statistics」.
「Reporting Statistics」 are divided into 「Single crime statistics analysis」 and 「Integrated crime statistics analysis」. Individual statistical database can be utilized through 「Single crime statistics analysis」, and two or more statistical databases can be utilized together through 「Integrated crime statistics analysis」. Currently, there are a total of six statistical databases in 「Reporting Statistics」 , including 「Analytical Statistics on Crime」 DB, 「Korean Police Crime Statistics」 DB, 「Judicial Yearbook」 DB, 「Prosecution Yearbook」 DB, 「Quarterly Crime Trend Report」 DB, 「Korea Correctional Service Statistics」 DB.
「Survey Statistics」 includes 「Korean Crime Victim Survey」 DB, and the annual survey table is provided together.

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Crime Trends

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Crime Trends menu provides main statistical tables and graphic information.
Also, it provides a booklet titled 'Crimes and Criminal Justice Policy in Korea'.

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